Why did I write this article?
I have worked for a week, now have something to talk about the new work recently.
2,just aim to result
1,short-sighted, just watching the China mainland
2,code out of control
3,cannot participate the product
4,quick-success thinking
so, what to do next?
My aim:
1, international vision
1-1 surf the website like xda, app annie, dubble
1-2 try to publish app in google play
2, transform from coder to engineer
2-1 focus the product
2-1-1 design, watching the design guideline(ios, android,etc.)
2-1-2 interaction, watching the most popular app
2-1-3 analysis the trend
2-2 study axure
3, aim html5 related dirction, pay more attention totheses as followings:
3-1 html
3-2 css
3-3 javascript
3-4 ajax
3-5 html5
4, make progress in code-writing
reading classic books
5, make programming basic more stronger
reading classic books